The only one of its kind available on the market, the TSI Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS) measures the aerodynamic size of particles from 0.5 – 20 microns. Time-of-flight aerodynamic sizing determines the particle’s behavior while airborne and is unaffected by index of refraction or Mie scattering.

While cascade impactors also size particles by their aerodynamic diameter, the APS offers high size resolution, one-second sampling, and real-time size distributions. Suitable for a variety of applications—inhalation toxicology, air monitoring, and drug delivery, plus many others—the APS continues to be used in new and interesting ways.



The only one of its kind available on the market, the TSI Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS) measures the aerodynamic size of particles from 0.5 – 20 microns. Time-of-flight aerodynamic sizing determines the particle’s behavior while airborne and is unaffected by index of refraction or Mie scattering.

While cascade impactors also size particles by their aerodynamic diameter, the APS offers high size resolution, one-second sampling, and real-time size distributions. Suitable for a variety of applications—inhalation toxicology, air monitoring, and drug delivery, plus many others—the APS continues to be used in new and interesting ways.